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Secure Board Communication

Posted by admin on June 11, 2024
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Boards of directors need effective communication to set the corporation’s objectives and help it achieve those targets. Their communications can expose sensitive information, such as financial data which could be a disaster if the improper hands.

That’s why secure communication between boards is crucial, particularly in the age of technology that is changing how business is conducted. To ensure this, boards must take action and implement secure collaboration tools such as board portals or real-time messaging platforms. It is essential that boards examine and track their governance performance, including their approach to secure communications.

For example, a board portal that facilitates seamless transitions between formal and informal communication channels — like group chats, emails, and texting — is essential for secure board communications. This kind of software can provide a secure, private method of working on documents and allow for rapid file sharing and instant discussions. It should come with features that give you the control of access and deletion, as well as security protocols like encryption and backup.

In addition to a solid board portal, secure instant messaging and meeting scheduling tools are essential. These tools must be easy to use, just like popular email, texting or phone applications. They should also have extra security features, for example the ability to revoke messages and preset contacts. They should also automatically send read notifications, as well as an “view-only attachment” option that stops downloading screens, exporting, screen shots and forwarding. In addition, they should be backed up in remote, geographically dispersed sites to minimize data loss.