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How to Provide Protection For Your Data

Posted by admin on August 8, 2024
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In an age where personal data has become a vital commodity security is a top concern for businesses of all sizes. A single breach can expose clients to identity theft, financial damage or even lawsuits. There are a variety of ways to safeguard personal information and avoid hacking.


Create a plan to store sensitive information within your company’s files and computers only until it’s essential. This may include taking inventory of devices that store personal information, including PIN pads and security cameras as well as identifying connections to external sources such as the internet or computers used by service providers to support your network, or digital copiers.


Limit access to sensitive information to those who need it. This minimizes the risk of insider threats or losses from hackers. Pro tip: Use the principle of least privilege. Provide new accounts with the lowest level of access to sensitive information and then increase the privileges as the account gains rank or the job requirement increases.


Passwords should be secure, complex and unique. Passwords that are easy to guess could be hacked in a matter seconds and used to gain unauthorised access. Don’t send passwords by email in plain text and make sure that all files are encrypted to protect private or confidential information.