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How to Conduct an Online Board Meeting

Posted by admin on July 16, 2024
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A video conference enables remote board members to view each other, even with different types of devices. Non-profits have the option of choosing from a variety of low-cost or free video conference platforms for their meetings, including Zoom, GoToMeeting, WebEx and Google Meet. Non-profits can also utilize a board-management software which includes a meeting interface that allows remote participation without leaving the platform.

The ability to observe the expressions of participants can encourage more interactive and participative meetings. To ensure that everyone’s voice is heard, the chair should summon members of the board who are not yet to speak, and limit the number of people speaking simultaneously. This ensures that no person dominates the discussion and allows for a more well-balanced process of decision-making. To minimize background noise, ensure that participants turn off their phones and hit the mute function when they’re not talking.

Some directors are not familiar with a virtual meeting space and are reluctant to speak up, which limits their engagement and the effectiveness of the meeting. This can be addressed by providing a user-friendly meeting interface, and offering an education session to familiarize participants with the platform and encouraging them to practice prior to the actual meeting. The board can also create an agenda that is strict and limits the duration of each item in order to ensure the meeting runs efficiently and the desired result is achieved. Board members can highlight or take notes on digital documents to increase their participation and speed up the meeting. They can share annotations with other members to improve collaboration and the quality of their minutes.