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Salient WordPress Theme Review

Posted by admin on August 16, 2024
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Whether you’re looking to build a website for your business or blog, or even an online store, salient’s WordPress theme is the ideal choice. Its flexible design makes it easy to use on any device, and its built-in shortcodes allow you to modify it without programming experience. Plus, the theme is SEO-friendly and built to comply with the best practices of the industry.

The homepage is adorned with a stunning video background that uses parallax scrolling that entices visitors as they navigate the page. The homepage then displays all their projects hop over to this website in an appealing area that allows visitors to click on the images to learn more information about the project. The owner of the website has added green buttons, hover effects and progress bars to create a visually appealing website that is easy to navigate for potential customers.

This website utilizes Salient for its professional and clean look. The footer is packed with links and widgets which keep the content fresh. The site also utilizes the full width feature of the theme to show off large images and content and still have an accessible navigation menu.

Another great website created using the striking WordPress theme is the site for Australian cinematographer Gavin Ash. The homepage has a stunning video background with a parallax scrolling that draws visitors in and showcases their projects in a beautiful area that allows users to click on the images to learn more. The site’s owner has also added green headers and progress bars, as well as buttons to create a fun and visually appealing website for potential clients.