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How to Improve Your Board of Directors Meetings

Posted by admin on August 21, 2024
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Having a board of directors is a great way to ensure that your company is run properly and that your decisions are taken in an open, fair way. However, in order for the board to be effective, it’s crucial that all members are involved and are present at every meeting. A lack of attendance at meetings leads to a decline in productivity as well as a decrease in effective leadership. Here are a few suggestions to assist you in improving the quality of your board meetings.

Plan ahead: Make sure that all board members have received relevant information, such as reports, financial statements, and other background information prior to the date of the meeting. This will allow them to be ready with thoughtful questions. The early delivery of information gives board members an opportunity to review their schedules and confirm they’re available to attend.

Start promptly: Begin your meeting with a brief call to the order and confirmation of the quorum. This will show the board that they respect everyone’s time.

Create a clear process for making decisions: Having a clear and concise decision-making procedure keeps the discussion on track and avoids divergent thoughts that could hinder the discussion.

Encourage active participation. It isn’t easy to create a space in where everyone feels comfortable sharing thoughts and insights. Chairpersons can play an important role in promoting participation by soliciting input from both sides and helping to facilitate an open and balanced discussion. They can also set ground rules for discussion in order to encourage short remarks and equal time for everyone.

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